Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Jan News Letter

   President:        Cari Wilson (496-3836)            Trail Master:         Marty De Heer (496-7051)
    Vice President: Art Dages                                   Ass’t Trail Master: Paul Pizzale (496-4476)
    Secretary:        LOOKING for a Volunteer          Safety Officer:        Skip Wallace (244-1580)
    Treasurer:        Lois De Heer

                              January 2010 NEWSLETTER
Great news we have some snow! The trails have been fairly good since Christmas.
We like to say good “early riding”.  The groomers have been out in full force,
but with the recent warm up they will need more snow before retuning to the
lower elevations.  The higher elevation trails have good snow coverage and
continue to be groomed regularly.

E-mail communication is in full service now.  Many of you have been receiving
 regular updates of club events.  We would like some feedback on the new set up;
 too many e-mails, not enough or any general thoughts.  If you know of a club
member who is not receiving the e-mails and would like to be added to our mailing
list contact:

Our annual Progressive dinner will be held Saturday, January 23, 2010. Snow or no snow!
(Many of you already know this from the e-mail correspondence) The dinner is limited
 to 30 members and a $10.00 donation is requested to help with the cost of the food.
If you would like to attend and to sign up for food contributions please call
Cari at 802-496-3836. We will meet at Kenyon’s at 5:30 pm to ride sleds or carpool.
                   Appetizers                   Belnap’s camp                       
                   Dinner                        Paul Pizzale’s                         
                   Dessert                       Wilson’s                         

MRRR blog- Whitney Phillips continues to do a great job maintaining and updating the blog.
The site is: contact Whitney at
( ) if you have anything to be posted.

TMA information and application can now be printed off the blog. Let your friends know.

                          Up-Coming Events

Wednesday Night Rides:       Date:   Every Wednesday
                                                Place: Kenyon’s parking lot
                                                Time: Ready to Ride at 6:00pm

Wednesdays are a great night to get out; all the trails are freshly groomed! It is a time to
 enjoy the trails with friends and share some local cuisine if folks choose to.
Everyone is welcome!

Military Ride:      Date:  Saturday January 30th 2010
                             Place: Kenyon’s Field
                             Time: 10:00am – 2:00pm
                             Cost:  FREE

This event is to honor all who have served or are serving our county in the military. This
event features: Guided Tours; Snowmobile Vendors; Food; Safety Inspections; Youth sleds
available for kids to ride; Snowmobile demos for the adults, and a Black Hawk Helicopter
 visit. This event is sponsored by VAST.

Many thanks to you all that have served our country from the Mad River Rindge Runners.       

Weekend Overnight:     Date: February 26th & 27th
                                      Place: St Johnsbury
                                      Cost:  Pending

Always an enjoyable weekend for all; we will be trailering to a St. J destination yet to be
determined.  Some members ride and some choose to patron the local shops or sip coffee for
 some leisure time. In the evening we all gather for a delightful dinner and colorful recounts
 of the day’s events. Please contact: Cari at 496-3836 or  if you would like
 to attend. RSVP by 2/6/10 More details to come via e-mail correspondence.

We are working on sponsoring a Radar Run some time in February, but the details are still
 being hammered out. We will keep you posted.

                             Think SNOW!                Happy Trails

Next meeting will be February 2nd, 2010 at 7:00 PM at the Fayston Town Hall.
                   Hope to see you there!! There will be cookies.

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