Monday, January 28, 2013

Trail update 1/28/13

Trail Update

Well at the least things have frozen up since the thaw. The trails are a bit thin in places, but are in relatively good shape. Skip  groomed the log job and the upper side of Camel’s Hump this week. Not much snow to work with.  Riding is ok in the higher evaluation.  You should consider it decent early season riding.

Doug road the fields up to the Huntington turn yesterday. Thin in places, water-bars to take care with, but relatively flat. He thought it would be bare going down town so you will want to avoid that.  Also Northfield has not been out grooming.

Caution: Some of the water-bars had opened up again in the thaw.  It may be frozen, but we need snow to fill them in. There was a large bog hole on the goat path down to the Duxbury Store, you may want to avoid this area till conditions improve.  

Happy Riding


1 comment:

tom said...

thanx for the recent post