Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Turkey Time

Turkey Time..... Looks like we have snow in the forecast for next week so cross your fingers.

Below you will see photos from the Raffle and fixing the bridge.
A Very Big THANK YOU to everyone for coming out and working in the rain.
IT's a group effort to make everything possible.
Remember. It is very important to go out to the shed or the shop and sit on your sled like you are riding. It makes them feel loved. It's better for them than an oil change and it will make run harder for you this winter.

OH Yeah.. the news letter is at the bottom...


President: Cari Wilson (496-3836) Trail Master: Marty De Heer (496-7051)

Vice President: Art Dages Ass’t Trail Master: Paul Pizzale (496-4476)

Secretary: Please VOLUNTEER!! Safety Officer: Skip Wallace (244-1580)

Treasurer: Lois De Heer

November 2009 NEWSLETTER

Congratulations to Mike Doney of Moretown for winning the 2009 Polaris IQ Shift. Our annual raffle dinner was a huge success. Thanks to all the members who volunteered and our local businesses for donating prizes.

The club could use YOUR help! Everyone is busy, but we need to keep our snowmobiling community and trails happy and healthy.

The club is seeking to find a volunteer to help out with the position of secretary. It is just a few hours a month.

We are still hard at work on the trails and need some strong strapping guys to run chainsaws and build bridges. The work crew meets every Saturday, 8:00, at Kenyon’s. Bridge work is also scheduled for November 14th and 21st. Call Marty at 496-7051.

BLOG site is:

Please contact Cari ( if you have anything to be posted. We attempt to update the site regularly, but our resident expert has moved on, so we are on the learning curve. The blog will provide current information about club happenings. This is another area the club could use help with. Please let us know if you have such computer skills.

MRRR is going to a PAPERLESS newsletter. If you would like to receive our newsletter via email, please fill out the form at the bottom of the newsletter or email us ( The newsletter will also be available on our blog when we work out the maintenance details. For the few who are not computer savvy and would still like a copy mailed through the post office, contact Cari at 496-3836.

VAST is offering an Early Bird TMA discount again this season. In order to get that savings, you must purchase your TMA prior to December 15, 2009. For the Early Bird TMA via mail, applications must be post marked prior to 12-15-09. All paper work and documents need to be in correct order for us to process the application in a timely manor. Please see the attached TMA information sheet. TMAs will again be available at Kenyon’s or the Duxbury store

Holiday Pot Luck and Yankee Gift Exchange

Please bring a dish to share, drinks for yourself and a gift (no more than $12.00) for the Yankee Gift exchange to the December meeting.

Next meeting: Holiday Pot Luck on December 1, 2009,

Fayston Municipal Building at 6:00 pm

At our next meeting we will be scheduling this season’s fun activities so put your snowy thinking cap on.

Hope to see you there!

………………….…………..cut here…cut here…cut here…………………………….

MRRR Paperless Newsletter

Name: _______________________________________________




Mail to MRRR, PO Box 248, Waitsfield, Vermont 05673

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