Sunday, March 16, 2008

March 2008 Newsletter


President: Art Dages (496-2577)
Vice President: Howard Emerson III
Secretary: Cathi Dages
Treasurer: Lois De Heer
Trail Master: Marty De Heer (496-7051)
Ass’t Trail Master: Paul Pizzale (496-4476)
Safety Officer: Skip Wallace (244-1580)

We had our March meeting on Wednesday, March 6, 2008. Nine members attended.

The season is almost over but the trails have been awesome thanks to our groomers. We have enjoyed outstanding conditions this year and there is still time for some good riding before the end of the season.

Our TMA sales increased this year due to this year’s outstanding snow.

It is that time of year again when we vote for a new slate of officers. At this time, we have the position of president and secretary open. If you are interested in this or any other position, please contact Art Dages or come to the April meeting. The nominations will be made at the April meeting and will be voted on at the May meeting.

Please contact Tony ( ) if you have anything to be posted. This site is updated regularly and provides current information about club happenings.

Next meeting: April 1, 2008 7:00 PM at the Fayston Town Hall. Hope to see you there!!

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