Thursday, December 13, 2007

December 2007 Newsletter

December 2007 Newsletter

President: Art Dages (496-2577)
Vice President: Howard Emerson III
Secretary: Cathi Dages
Treasurer: Lois De Heer
Trail Master: Marty De Heer (496-7051)
Ass’t Trail Master: Paul Pizzale (496-4476)
Safety Officer: Skip Wallace (244-1580)

We had our Annual Holiday Potluck, Yankee Gift Exchange and December meeting at the Fayston Town Hall on Tuesday, December 4,2007. Fifteen members attended.

The trails will open on Sunday, December 16th. Please refrain from riding on the trails until the official opening.

The Annual Hot Dog Roast will be Sunday, January 6, 2008. We will meet at Kenyon’s and will depart on sleds at 11am. Please bring your own hot dogs and drinks.

There is still time to take advantage of the VAST TMA Early Bird Program. After this Saturday, December 15th the price increases $30 for regular TMA’s. They can be purchased at Kenyon’s Variety Store or the Duxbury Store.

The first weekend in February is a tentative date for an overnight ride. More information to follow after the next meeting.

Next meeting will be the second Tuesday of the month, January 8, 2008 7:00 PM due to the holiday at the Fayston Town Hall. Hope to see you there!!

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