Tuesday, March 21, 2006

March Newsletter


We had our March meeting at the Fayston Town Hall on Tuesday, March 14th, 2006. Twelve members attended.

The 2006 season is almost over and it seems that it never really started. We are grateful that there has been good snow in Canada this year. Quite a few of our members went north to St. Donat and St. Zenon this winter for weekend rides and were pleased to find exceptional conditions. A group just got back so check back here in a couple of days for some pictures of the trip.

MRRR blog site is: http://madriverridgerunners.blogspot.com. Please contact Tony ( vastridgerunner@gmail.com ) if you have anything to be posted. This site is updated regularly and provides current information about club happenings.

Turner’s property was opened on February 10th. Unfortunately, there has not been enough snow to ride on it.

Our club membership, along with the overall State membership, is down considerably this year due to lack of snow. Thanks to everyone who purchased a TMA this year. VAST still needs funds to cover trail maintenance.

It is that time of year when we vote for a new slate of officers. At this time, we have the position of secretary open. If you are interested in this or any other position, please Contact Art Dages or come to the April meeting. The nominations will be made at the April meeting and will be voted on at the May meeting.

Next meeting: April 4th, 7:00 PM at the Fayston Town Hall. Hope to see you there!!

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