Tuesday, April 15, 2008

April 2008 Newsletter


President: Art Dages (496-2577)
Vice President: Howard Emerson III
Secretary: Cathi Dages
Treasurer: Lois De Heer
Trail Master: Marty De Heer (496-7051)
Ass’t Trail Master: Paul Pizzale (496-4476)
Safety Officer: Skip Wallace (244-1580)

We had our April meeting at the Fayston Town Hall on Tuesday, April 2, 2008. Six members attended.


The trails officially closed for the season on April 15th.
It was an outstanding snowmobile season. The trails were awesome thanks to all our groomers!


The following nominations were made and will be voted on at the May meeting:

President: Tony Amenta
Vice President: Art Dages
Secretary: Cathi Dages
Treasurer: Lois De Heer
Trailmaster: Marty De Heer
Ass’t Trailmaster: Paul Pizzale
Safety & Ed: Skip Wallace

Next meeting: May 6, 2008, 7:00 PM at the Fayston Town Hall. Hope to see you there!!